
  • After two months of preparing and fundraising the hike is over. 11 hours and 40 minutes of walking and my toes have crossed the finish line. It was tough, my hips hurt, my knees hurt, my shoes are tied too tight, I really want to lose the backpack from my shoulders, and there’s pizza at…

  • Tragedy has struck. My majesty palm Mervin was diagnosed with a red spider mite infestation this morning and has found himself in the trash. I guess I wasn’t committed enough to try to save him because I just couldn’t handle all the creepy crawly bugs. Farewell. Maybe I’ll get another majesty palm some day.

  • Lists

    If I don’t post my Atlanta bucket list, do I still leave Atlanta? This is the struggle and lately it’s been a constant battle of emotions in my head and heart. I am beyond thrilled to be going home. I am thrilled to breath the mountain air and to be in a place, knowing I…

  • I love u wknd 

    The ladies in my house church are trying to plan a girls trip this summer and the only thing it’s accomplishing in doing is proving to me how little time I have left in Georgia. I counted. There are only 4 months — or 16 weekends. Time is scarce and these remaining weekends have just…

  • Sorry Daryll

    Let me tell you a story, about a time [1 week ago] that I learned that people usually aren’t “nice and want to help you with your yard work”.  Here in Atlanta there are A LOT of trees that translates to A LOT of leaves. I’m pretty sure that the house I rent has not…

  • Always Enough

    I recently started reading Daring Greatly by Brené Brown. First, this book has been on my list for some time and I am excited to finally have the chance to read it. Second, I always struggle a bit to start these books that cover topics important to my current life. The stories that point out the…

  • This is a post about my new house plant. Let me introduce you to the majesty palm.  I found him at IKEA on Sunday afternoon and he’s changed my life. It’s amazing what a little life and color can do to change your perspective, but I’m obsessed with this slice of life right now. It’s…

  • There’s no greater feeling of rejection than when you are standing at the bus stop and the bus blows right past you.  That’s right. That just happened.  Picture me standing in full view, in the remaining daylight, waving my arms in the air as a large bus goes speeding past me and off into the…

  • 25\\

    I wonder if you’re allowed to throw you own birthday party. Do other people do that? I guess it doesn’t really matter what other people do because I already did and it was a blast. I threw myself a brunch party with a frittata, donuts and hash browns. There were flowers and balloons and maybe…

  • Radical Love

    One of my friends recently let me borrow her copy of Love Does. It’s a fabulous book written by Bob Goff as a testament to what it looks like when we wholly and completely love others. I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately – what would it look like to live this way? To…